- I frown a lot when I'm staring at any computer - which makes me think that maybe I frown a lot because my face doesn't feel any different than it usually does. This is a photo of me trying not to frown at my laptop. Note strained look and telltale vertical lines on my brow.
- I think Spring is coming. The bulbs are up, there's a lightness about the air and I don't feel compelled to light the fire as soon as I get out of bed (which in this case was 6.15am this morning, in order to take Ms Vanoodle to meet her Mummy for carpooling activities).
- Bread smells really yummy when it is rising, but I bet it doesn't taste good right now.
- Betty Growler is feeling needy-graspy. I can tell this because I have a whole bunch of new little holes in my thighs from her accidentally putting her claws out while "stretching" nonchalantly against me.
- I have so many thoughts and ideas racing through my brain at the moment that it's amazing I can get anything completed. Why do I have to try new stuff all of the time? I'm sure it's not normal.
17 hours ago
I think you should rename this blog to '5 o for awesome moments about today' :)
1. i love reading your blogs
2. i think your pic is what a cyberfeminist looks like
3. bread. bread?
yeah and yeah.
How can you say spring is mundane?!
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