As some of you may have heard- I'm (myself and two other students) giving a presentation on cyberfeminism for gender studies. I would really like to give a mock presentation to you all so we can asess presentation etc... I'm extremely nervous but i'd appreciate your feedback, CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms and sisterly love.... :)
We will be delivering the presentation on the 18th of September so could give mock pres in the week beggining 7th-13th. I'm thinking friday or saturday would be pref?
It's really interesting stuff, i'm sure it'll be great fun- i'm not too sure about a venue at this point but i'll provide some treats and drinks
In fluidarity and cyberlove,
count me in.
Cool! I'm in - that sounds cyberuberinteresting!
woop! choice
fo' sho' I be there. name the time and place. exciting ;-) xx
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