Thursday, August 27, 2009

this is a comment to tankgrl re her experiment...

your experiment has been done before and there is even a movie about it, cant recall the name but it stared kevin spacey and was of course a real tear jerker...anyway I dont really see what is odd about being nice or kind. I love that you are doing these random acts of kindness or if you want oddness. I think you are great and I love that you have a super hero card. I would love one too, maybe we should all have one!


Tankgrrl said...

You are thinking of "Pay it Forward" I think. I'm not being all saintly with my experiment - I'm wanting to know what happens as a result. Which is why I'm giving my superhero card with the free coffee. So far no contact. But what percentage will get in touch? Maybe none.

pipi said...

This is an awesome idea- stolen-borrowed-whatever. who gives? It is also an exp that is extremely saintly fyi- haha, youre not so hard!.I once saw oprah-yes oprah.. years ago conduct a similar 'experiment'(well money spoof for her, cause she had no cool superhero card to follow up) she cut coupons and left them beside the products in supermarkets, paid for public transport fares for the next people etc.. Are you also leaving your cardsin other places? If people do reply would you ask of their demographics or/and psychography?? cause i'd like to know- would an appreciative caller be a 37 yr old lower-class yellow woman who shops at paknslave OR a 19yr old commerce student who buys coffee from claire every morning OR maybe a punk dyke who'd purchase her coffee only from peoples Or a young father in a rush to catch his train only to find he forgot his wallet?... What kind of person says thanks and recycles the love? what kind of person wouldnt..