Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I started writing a blog about Banksy

Not the hideous mayor of Auckland, no, the ridiculously talented, challenging, intelligent UK artist. I love his comment on the world, the beauty in his art as he delivers the world back to us, the sinister side to his cerebral messages.

Boring myself silly with self-indulgent introspection, and needing a bit of oomph in my day, I spent a few minutes on this website:

Nice one.
It's a damn shame I have work to do.


Sporty said...

LOVE Banksy. ta for posting those pics I hadn't seen them before.

fnessm said...

check out the link... there's a little bit of banksy waiting whenever you need it

Sporty said...

oh yeah. I loved the bunny in pearls and makeup.
The man is a genius.